So, the last few weeks, I started learning how to use the CakePHP framework. It’s been a little slow going, but it’s been pretty good. I’ve been developing on my local machine, which, for some reason, mod_rewrite just refuses to work. So, I decided to make a dev site on the server. Oh, what a disaster.
I created the directory and ftp’d all the files on to the server. When I went to test it, I kept on getting a bunch of 500 errors. I tried moving the files around, looking at the “manual”, but nothing was solving the problem. I spent all afternoon, and narrowed it down to a problem with the .htaccess file.
When I came back from dinner, I found the solution.
The Problem:
1. Installing CakePHP in a subdirectory;
2. Resolving the 500 errors.
Friday, November 28, 2008
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