Tuesday, December 2, 2008


By Andy Dawson (AD7six)

If you have more than a few results it is useful, if not vital, to provide a means of presenting the results a few at a time.
This tutorial will demonstrate how easy it is to present your data using pagination.
If part of your application includes displaying lots of results, it's a good idea to give the user the possibility to view the results in digestable chunks and possibly to be able to sort the presented data. This tutorial will explain how, after copying a few files into your application, you can achieve this in very few lines of code.
You need almost no knowledge of cake to be able to make use of this tutorial :).

If you already have a table in mind that you want to add pagination to, read on; otherwise run through http://manual.cakephp.org/appendix/blog_tutorial to have some code to play with.

[Read More]

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